Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6

OK,guys.You're not going to believe this. It rained almost all day today but it was a super-fun day. Let me backtrack. Last night we celebrated Mary-Sloan's birthday with chocolate cake (NOTE TO PAM: CHOCOLATE CAKE!)It was delicious!So this morning we started out in a drizzle. After 15 miles it was raining so hard, we took shelter under a tree. (No, there was no lightning.) As we waited there, a guy in a red car with a bike rack on the back asked us if we needed shelter and told us to follow him. He led us around the corner to his garage. He has 4 bikes of his own so he had sympathy with us. We talked for awhile and when the rain let up, we were on our way again. It was cold and raining almost the whole day, but it was a really fun ride. We stopped before that at Mellow Johnny's bike shop for coffee (Yes, they serve coffee.) and to look around and make purchases. Some of Gail's friends were they and we just had an enjoyable time talking. Gail, Lynn, Helen and I stuck together after that. Our direction (cue) sheet was complicated today with lots of turns and it was hard to read because I needed windshield wipers for my glasses! So Gail led us merrily on our way until about mile 40, when she had a flat tire. We fixed it in about 15 minutes and went on to the next SAG stop where she pumped it up with a bigger pump. After I got to the motel, I took my shower to warm up and then came downstairs to do my blog. All of a sudden I was being paged. It was Michele's friend Leann. RHSACCP had ordered two cookie platters for us! You guys are the greatest. The entire crew wants you to know how much they appreciated it. What a great place to work! But now I am dead tired. I will post a picture later from my phone and then I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is a short riding day (39 miles) so we aren't going to start until 9 a.m. Yeah!!!!!!____________________ Wir fuhren fast den ganzen Tag durch den Regen. Trotzdem,war es eine wunderbare Tour. 4 von uns bleiben immer zusammen, da die Anleitung schwer war zu verstehen und mit dem Regen schwer zu lesen. Ich war in dem Fahrradgeschaeft, in dem Lance Armstrong seine Sachen kauft. Meine Arbeitskolleginnen waren so nett und haben uns 2 grosse Teller voll mit Kuchen und Plaetzchen gespendet. Eine Freundin von meiner Arbeitskollegin Michele hat die geliefert. Wir waren alle so froh, weil wir Heute viele Kalorien verbraucht haben.Jetzt gehe ich schlafen. Bin rightig platt.

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