Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, part 2

90 miles on Route 90 today! Actually, it wasn't a hard ride. There were usually shoulders and there are wasn't much traffic. Some hills but also tailwind. This morning started out very foggy. When the fog cleared up, it was still relatively cool in the morning. Then in Bonifay, I stopped in to see and old friend. She works there and I hadn't seen her in ages. I just did this on the spur of moment. First I ate lunch at the restaurant in Bonifay with Sheila, then went over to Sandy's office, where we talked for awhile before I figured I'd better get on my way because I still had 30 more miles to ride. As it turned out, I was out of the sun from about 12 until 2, which was great. After I started on my way again, a cloud cover built up, so I was never miserably hot. It worked out well. I also soaked my bandana in ice water at every possible opportunity and poured water into my helmet. It really helped keep me cool. After I got in, Sandy drove down and picked me up and we went out to dinner. I'm glad we made the connection again and we plan to keep it active! Tomorrow we ride to Quincy, Florida. It's supposed to be a very attractive town with lovely old houses. Can't wait to visit some of them. Only 54 miles tomorrow. So will have the afternoon to do some exploring.__________obwohl es heute 90 meilen waren, war die fahrt gar nicht schwer. die strasse hat meist breite schultern und nicht allzuviel verkehr. faengt an hier heiss zu werden. aber ich bliebe aus der mittagssonne raus und habe ein tuch mit kaltem wasser sonst um meinen hals gewickelt. habe auf einem impuls eine alte freundin besucht. wareine gute entscheidung. freue mich, dass die verbindung wieder da Iist.morgen geht's ab nach quincy. soll eine ganz schoene altstadt haben. kann ich dan am nachmittag viel unternehmen.

1 comment:

  1. You are having wonderful adventures! This is a trip of a lifetime! Glad that you are enjoying yourself, and weathering the challenges. Thanks for sharing all these posts. We are enjoying them. Cathy, Bill, and Mitchell
