Thursday, August 31, 2017

New York City - What an adventure!

What a hectic day yesterday. The invitation to work, which I needed for my visa application, arrived at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Finished the application, made bus reservations and went to chris and Chenoa's to  visit. Played with Alastair for two hours then sat around and talked until chris took me to the Megabus at 10:20 p.m. The bus left at 10:50. I rested of course, but really couldn't sleep well. We arrived in NYC at 6:30 a.m. The visa office didn't open until 9 so I found a bagel and coffee shop to kill time in.  (Not like there aren't a gazillion of them in NYC!)

I got to the visa center right at 9. I got a very nice lady who processed my papers and told me I would get the visa within three business days. Yikes!!! I told her I needed it today but there was nothing she could do. But I did pay big bucks so she could expedite it by mail. She said I'd get it Saturday morning. So I went to the McDonald's at Penn Station and called Finnair to postpone the flight again. Now, if all goes well, I should be on a plane on Sunday and arrive in Kazan on Saturday. Assuming all goes well.

So, after yesterday morning, I had an entire day to kill in NYC waiting for my 6:50 p.m. Bus back to Rochester.  I walked a lot, but was pretty tired from the overnight bus ride so I went to the public library and just hung out. I got all my messaging and texting done and could let everyone know what was happening. Then I walked down to the bus stop, which is near the High Line, a reclaimed elevated train track used now as a city park and walking trail. What a phenomenal idea and an ingenious repurposing of something out of use. There were hundreds of people walking on the trail in the half hour I spent there.

And it struck me that NYC cyclists are fearless. They mix it right up in traffic and don't give any ground. Many ride without helmets. This is a tough  bunch!

Got on the bus and had another unrestful night. Chris picked me up at 2:45 a.m. And I went home and sacked out. Just putzing around cleaning this morning and plan on doing one more Rochester Slow Ride this evening.

Now all I can do is wait for Saturday's mail!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

On my way to NYC!

After a great weekend as a retiree, the official invitation finally came through today at 11a.m. I had breakfast with Anne Marie, went home and was just about to call Finnair to postpone again, when the email popped up. I couldn't believe it! Boy, did I scramble. The first think I did was put the bike back in storage. Then I ran over to Mary Ellen's to complete the visa form, print it out, and get my bus tickets.

So my bus leaves at 10:50 p.m. That's in one hour. I'll arrive NYC at 6:30 a.m. The visa center opens at 9 a.m. I've got the return tour booked for 6:50 p.m., arriving in Rochester at 2:10 a.m. Yikes. I'm thankful that Chris will pick me up. Then I'm going home to crash for awhile before I have to finish cleaning up the apartment and turn in the keys. Then suitcases in the car, go to Mary Ellen's to shower, and finally head for the airport. I won't see a real bed again until sept. 2.

But I'm on my way. Wish me luck.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Still no papers

I'm still waiting on the paperwork I need to apply for my visa. This is getting very tedious. But I kept busy today. I went to the gym by bike then rode down the canal path to meet Mary Ellen at opening of the new REI store. We started at the social events outside where I won a cap from the Columbia stand when I played ring toss.

They have some great things inside. I ran into Susan and we talked for awhile. Staff was all very helpful. Mary Ellen and I went to lunch at TGI Friday's, then I came home and took a break before I went out to supper with Anne Marie in Avon. We always have so much to talk about.

Tomorrow I want to go back to the gym and REI. I'd like to try and win more free stuff. Then I'll go to lunch with Harnish and see Michelle, Pam and Joots for dinner. I want to make sure I get in touch with everyone before I leave, presuming I every get to leave!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Rochester Slow Ride was phenomenal

What a great turnout tonight for the first Rochester Slow Ride. There were well over 100 people, with a large contingent from Buffalo. The weather was great, the opening festivities were fun and there were some really nice people to talk to. I ran into a lot of people I knew and met lots of new people. It looks as if the Rochester cycling community is really getting it together.

It was a nice route 8-mile up Genesee Street, up to the Susan B. Anthony House, through Corn Hill and back to Brooks Ave. I hurried home after the ride because I wanted to make it before dark. I was really glad that I have a NiteRider headlight; that thing is bright. (Thanks for the recommendation, Tosca.) Got home about 8:30 p.m. so it wasn't completely dark yet.

It was a really good ride.

Still in limbo

Checked my emails this morning. I had a message from the school that they are trying to make sure the papers are done by tomorrow. All I can do is wait.

Glad I got my bike back out of storage. I rode to the JCC and worked out; also used the wifi while I was there and ate lunch. It feels good to get some exercise besides lifting boxes and carting things into storage.

Then I thought, as long as I'm still here, I'm going to participate in Rochester's first Slow Ride. I'm almost glad that I had to postpone my flight so that I could. I'm really pleased that the City of Rochester is sponsoring it along with Theresa Bowick and the Conkey Cruisers. IT shows the City's commitment to promoting alternative means of transportation. There's a great slogan on the registration sheet: "A City that Rides Together is a City that Rises Together". What a wonderful way to encourage all of us to ride together.

It's been looking cloudy all day and is a might cool. Perfect weather for riding. Lori just called and responded to my text to ride along. That's great. I'm hoping for a big turnout. 50 would be great; 100 or more would be spectacular.

It's hard trying to think of things to do while I'm waiting to leave. I've certainly been texting and emailing everyone so everyone is pretty up-to-date on my status. I just need to get to the Visa Center in NYC very soon. I don't know how often Finnair will be willing to postpone my flight. Keep your fingers crossed that I can take the bus down Sunday night, get to the Center at 9 and come back on the afternoon train.

I'll definitely try to take some pictures of landmarks in NYC, for the case that I get to see any in the rush.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Russia - a new adventure

Hi Everyone. I've resurrected my blog because I'm about to start on a new adventure. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with bikes, but I certainly will be riding there. I'm on my way to teach English to 5-7 year-olds at Bala-City School in Kazan.

I got an email from a former student in July, in which she told me that her friend was looking for an English teacher for his school. I just couldn't turn the opportunity down. It will be for a year with the option for renewal on a yearly basis.

I've put stuff in storage, paid all my bills, cancelled subscriptions and emptied the apartment. I've been sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag for two weeks now. Looks like I'll be doing it for one more week. I had to postpone my flight for 24 August because I still don't have the official invitation number I need to insert in my visa application before I can send the application to NYC electronically. I then have to print it out and take it to the Visa Center in NYC to pick it up. As soon as I get it, I will take the night bus and be at the Visa Center when it opens the next morning. Hopefully I will be done in an hour or two so that I can take the train back.

So now it looks as if I will leave on 31 August, if all goes as it should. I explored leaving from JFK directly from the Visa Center, but I didn't want to mess around with storing all the luggage at Penn station or somewhere and thought the timing might be too risky. And it didn't work for Finnair either, so it's just as well that I'm coming back to Rochester.

I think I've said good-by to everyone now. I hope that everyone keeps in touch, whether by email, WhatsApp or FaceTime. I know there will be a lot of new things for me to see, do and report about.

I think it will be an interesting year.