Tuesday, March 4, 2014

On my way!

Here I am, sitting in Rochester International drinking my coffee and waiting for my plane.The guy at the AMerican counter had a great sense of humor and there wasn't a line. can't ask for anything more than that. My bag was only 34lbs, well under my 60 lb limit and I still probably have too much! Iit only cost $25 to send the bike. On the phonethey said $150. II'm not going to argue. can't wait to get on the plane and fall asleep. I emailed my roommate Helen to let her know I'm on my way. Big thanks to everyone for being excited with me. I feel as if a lot of people will be riding with me vicariously. THanks for the phone calls and words of encouragement. thannks for the ride to the airport, Kath, thanks for the stamps, Pearl and Joan. Does that mean I have to send you guys postcards? Hope all the RHSACCP, adult lit and transition students have a great day._____________________Sitze im Flughafen in rochester und warte auf dem flugzeug. Das.rad hat nur $25 gekostet. bin richtig aufgeregt und hoffe, dass das Rad heil ankommt.Iich danke allen, die mitfiebern. wuenscht mir GLUECK.

1 comment:

  1. What does one say? Bon Voyage! Happy Trails! Wheels Keep On Turning!!! Yay! I am so excited for you! Have a wonderful trip!!!
