Tuesday, March 11, 2014

off day march 11

OK, guys. these are what I wanted to post yesterday. the roads and the sand seem absolutely endless. today is our off day. after breakfast we had a bike cleaning clinic. it was helpful. I'm shedding weight from my bike. took off. kickstand and rack for saddlebags. at next opportunity I will have narrower tires put on. live and learn. one woman offered a yoga class today. several others and I are just chilling by the pool. Some of us will be eating mexican food tonight. can't wait. tomorrow we cross the border into AZ. FINALLY A DIFFERENT STAte. friens MIKE AND Barb will try to meet me after PHOENIX.____________pausetag tut gut. oben sind die photos, die ich gestern uploaden wollte. die wueste ist wirklich endlos. versuch jetzt dinge vomrad abzunehmento zu viel wiegen. bei naechster gelegenheit. lasse ich schmaelere reifen draufmontieren. heute habe wir a "farraf saubermachen"seminar gehabt. habe viel gelernt. nun geniesse ich das schwimmbad und heute abend gehen wir mexikanisch essen. dann morgen geht's los bis arizona.

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