Tuesday, March 11, 2014

march 11, part 2

Please ignore that I'm not captalizing words. my fingers are too fat for my little keyboard and I'm always too tired to push the button. learned lots of good tricks from the ladies on my day off and from helpful frinds at home. (Thanks, gail). I should put zinc oxide on my lips to keep them from getting sunburned, blistering and swelling. by the time I got to rite aid, they were all sold out. the other ladies beat me to it. but I did get some chap stick withspf 30. will apply that many times tomorrow. also, the other suggested I add electrolyte drops to my water bottles. let's see how that works tomorrow. we cross the colorado river into AZ tomorrow. I will post a picture. the dinner at garcia's was great, as was the conversation. today was the first day I was made aware of the airplane incident in SE Asia. I've lost contact with the world. thanks for calling, joan. enjoy your snow day RHSACCP.


  1. ok I finally figured out how to post a comment - I really like the picture of the looong road - I love those kinds of roads unless you are pushing wind. when you get that zinc o use it on your nose also - and watch the top of your ears also. I though it was funny that you are taking parts off the bike to make it lighter. I helped a friend do that when we road across Vermont. The easiest way for me to lighten my bike is to loose weight - LOL


  2. Karen, I just love reading your blog updates! This is such a cool experience; the good and the bad. Blisters and sunburns fade and heal, memories last forever. I am sending the kids outside to play in the snow soon, here. Might as well take advantage of the blizzard.
