Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Bits and pieces

Fun fact: the first bike made specifically for women was produced by the Starley company in England in 1880 and was call the Psycho ladies. Cool name. Of course the word didn’t have the connotation then that it does today. But I think it would be a great name for a women’s cycling club!
Speaking of words, one little boy in my class calls a balloon a “hoyball”. The same little boy was able to translate for me today when I didn’t understand what another kid was saying. Then, my youngest girl who doesn’t verbalize in Russian but understands everything in English, is now saying individual words. But for the word sheep she says “pish”. Interesting which sound is most prominent for her.
Today we had a “snowball” fight in the classroom with rolled up socks. Then we made a fort out of blankets and chairs. It was certainly something different.
Got paid today and walked to the bank after work and deposited my money in an account which I now understand. Hooray.
Tomorrow the international team is headed for a performance of traditional Tatar dance at the Tatar theater. One of the parents of a kid in the first grade invited us all. I’m looking forward to that. It will be in the theater I went to a couple of weeks ago when I saw the play in Tatar and had the headphones for the translation.
Had a weird bout  with a very sore esophagus. It didn’t seem like a normal cold. But I went to the nurse at school and she gave me a spray which has really helped. Her other recommendation was drinking warm cranberry juice. I think I’m good with the spray for now.
I’m working on my 1000 piece puzzle everyday. It’s fun but also addictive. I always want to find just once more piece before I quit for the day. And then I never quit.
I’ll let you know how the performance is. I’ll also take a picture of the Stockmann store tomorrow with the striking decorations.

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